Registration for 5783
Child Details
Teudat Zehut
Program registering for
Home Details
Email / WhatsApp
Emergency Contact
Nusach Tefilla
Medical / Safety
Kupat Cholim
Health notes
Swimming ability
T-shirt size (Israeli)
I authorize my child to take part in all of the activities undertaken by Bnei/Bnos Hashraah. I also agree not to hold the counselors or anyone connected to Bnei/Bnos Hashraah responsible for any injuries, losses, damages or deaths that may occur during any of the programs. I hereby release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue Bnei/Bnos Hashraah or its organizers or any of the counselors. I fully understand that my child is participating at his/her own risk with my permission. In event of an injury, the counselors will first contact the parents and emergency personnel. If the parents cannot be reached. I hereby give permission to Bnei/Bnos Hashraah, its organizers, counselors to make medical decisions on behalf of the child and hereby authorize appropriate medical treatment to be provided for my child until such time that I can be reached.
I agree to the above
I give permission for my child's picture to be used on the website/ in flyers / article / videos or any form of Bnei Hashraah promotional material
I agree to the above
Code of Conduct
In order to ensure that Bnei/Bnos Hashraah is a place where our children are in a nurturing and Torahdik environment, we expect all children to adhere to the following basic rules:
1. It is forbidden to bring any form of electronic or media gadgets other than a camera to our meetings, e.g. MP3 players, iPods and iPads are not permitted. If the child needs to bring a mobile phone, it must be a "kosher" model, and he/she must notify the head counselor that he/she has it.
2. No foul language, innuendos, bullying, violence or other inappropriate discussions or behavior.
3. Children must obey their counselors at all times; defiance will not be tolerated.
4. Girls in Bnos Hashraah must be dressed according to Beis Yaakov school standards, i.e. collarbones and elbows covered, skirts below the knees and socks above the knees. No ankle socks permitted.
5. Children may not leave an activity early without notifying their counselor.
Bnei/Bnos Hashraah reserves the right to remove a child from the group at any time if they violate any of the above rules.
I agree to the above
Meeting Times & Payment
Bnei Hashraah generally meets on Thursday night 7:00 - 8:30 pm, times may vary slightly if there is a trip or an activity that cannot be carried out on a Thursday night, ie Shabbaton, Oneg, or Beach trip. Older grades periodically have an optional Shteig and cholent after the regular session.
The monthly fee for Bnei Hashraah is 180nis*. Newcomers may use a paid trial month before signing up for the year.
A full refund for cancellations will be honored up until the end of December. However, cancellations after Dec 31 fees will not be refunded. Scholarships are available where necessary, Please contact us.
*There is an additional cost for shabbatonim (local and away). MIT 8th-grade boys are required to pay an additional monthly surcharge. As well as this, while the actual trip to London is highly subsidized, parents are still required to part pay.
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If you have any questions, please contact us at admin@bneihashraah.com or phone 058-HASHRAA (058-427-4722)