Time & Location
26 במאי 2022, 20:00 – 22:30 GMT+3
Bet Shemesh, Nachal Dolev St 12, Bet Shemesh, 9962025, Israel
About the Event
This activity is OPEN TO THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY & invites all boys* (3rd grade & above).
You do NOT need to be a member of Bnei Hashraah to participate.
The way it works.
1) Get a sponsorship form by whats app or calling Bnei Hashraah on 058-427-4722
2) Start learning mishnayos
3) Ask family, friends & neighbors to sponsor each Mishna that is learnt. Don’t forget boys need to fill in the sponsorship & prize form.
4) Select your prize based on number of mishnayos learnt (see prize form)
5) Join us at 8pm on Thursday May 26th for our Mega Mishna Avos U’Banim Siyum, at KSY, 12 Nachal Dolev, where together fathers, sons & bocherim will start & finish learning Shas Mishnayas under one roof.
Every Mishna learnt is POWERFUL and IMPORTANT!
Together, this project should be a HUGE Kiddush Hashem, bringing tremendous kedusha into our world,