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Waiver for 7th & 8th Grade Ein Gedi & Dead Sea Tiyul
Child's Name
Teudat Zehut
I hereby authorize my son to participate in Bnei Hashraah's Ein Gedi and Dead Sea Tiyul on October 6th, 2022. I release, waive, and covenant not to sue Bnei Hashraah or its organizers or madrichim for any damages that may occur.
Parent's Name
I agree to the above
Remember to send your son with: 2 litres of water, lunch, snacks, hereby authorize my son to participate in Bnei Hashraah's Ein Gedi and Dead Sea Tiyul on October 6th, 2022. I release, waive, and covenant not to sue Bnei Hashraah or its organizers or madrichim for any damages that may occur.
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