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Waiver for 7th & 8th Grade Ein Gedi & Dead Sea Tiyul

Child's Name

Teudat Zehut

I hereby authorize my son to participate in Bnei Hashraah's Ein Gedi and Dead Sea Tiyul on October 6th, 2022. I release, waive, and covenant not to sue Bnei Hashraah or its organizers or madrichim for any damages that may occur.

Parent's Name

I agree to the above

Remember to send your son with: 2 litres of water, lunch, snacks, hereby authorize my son to participate in Bnei Hashraah's Ein Gedi and Dead Sea Tiyul on October 6th, 2022. I release, waive, and covenant not to sue Bnei Hashraah or its organizers or madrichim for any damages that may occur.

We'd love to hear what you think about our program!

Contact Us


Phone: 058-427-4722

Registered Charity: 580623080

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